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What we’re about

AWS Girls is a technology-driven user group whose main purpose is to bring more girls and women into the technology world. We are an inclusive group since we welcome all. 

We create spaces, through events, meetings, study groups, and more, for people to learn and grow into technology with an emphasis on cloud computing. We strive to build a safe environment from all perspectives. We are a group that believes in the power of community, and as such, we have big dreams. 

We are lucky to have the support and involvement of amazing professionals and members. Thanks to them, AWS Girls continues to grow to create a more positive impact. They invest their own time to make things happen, to them my gratitude. 

We had more than ten events in this year, events with a high level of attendance and satisfaction. Last year, we had an incredible level of attendance on our first end of the year event, with more than 150 participants that stayed with us to learn on a Saturday for almost 8 hours straight. 

We were born to help, to create opportunities, to be a helping hand for all who want to grow into technology. We are certainly focused on helping girls and women be part of the future, to be fearless, to believe in themselves.

We have a couple of principles:

  1. You can not be what you do not see

We look to involve women who are achieving professional growth in technology, to provide them a space where they can share their knowledge, experiences and where they can share their learnings. We want role models, who are real, who have overcome challenges, who are resilient. We purpusely look to have at least 50% of female participation in all our events and initiatives.

  1. We look to get more girls and women involve in the technology world

This may sound sided but it is not. As mentioned before, we welcome all participants, actually we encourage inclusion. At the same time, we are looking to contribute to the balance and the diversity of the technology world. That is why we look to bring more girls and women to be part of our community. We look to create spaces where knowledge is exchanged, where members can find a safe place to ask, interact and grow through education and support. We continually are building alliances with organizations that support our members and our goals.

We believe in actions to make changes, that is why we keep working, and working really hard. We believe that by empowering women we can change the world. Especially in our region, if more women work and work in technology that could change their lives and the lives of their families. Many of them are becoming active members and leaders of our community, something that we encourage to ensure AWS Girls growth and continuity.
They will create opportunities. We look to have a ripple effect.

We are working hard, having fun and making history

If you would like to know more about us, check our website and Follow us on social networks, LinkedIn Facebook, Twitter
If you would like to help, just contact us. All support is welcome.