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What we’re about

AWS User Group Belgrade is a meetup group for the AWS user community. We focus on tech features of AWS and discuss real-world use cases. Join if you like Cloud and AWS. If you are ready to share your experiences you are welcome to our monthly meetings.
YouTube channel:
Twitter @awsugbelgrade
Slack channel:

Although the number of software developers per capita in Serbia is very high (??? what is the accurate number check this) the industry is split in many different outsourcing companies which don’t exchange their knowledge but aggressively poach employees and try to keep them locked inside their walls. Almost every IT conference tends to become market for developers where companies don’t promote their products (they don’t have a product) but share their HR stories.
Therefore we need some new rules. Let’s talk about tech and forget about the hiring. 
This User Group will promote some rules for participants:
Rule #1: don’t promote your companies
– no company names on slides – only personal names
– no hiring calls on your last slide
– no thanking to your company for the opportunity to work on some great projects
Talk about hard work and knowledge you just gained trying to find a solution.
Rule #2: bring your friends and colleagues and call them on stage
– we will encourage all speakers to have partners in crime and participate to at least 10% of their presentation
– gaining courage to engage will make these people speakers of tomorrow
– look for all underrepresented groups and ask yourself if it is your fault not to have them participating more
Rule #3: no corporate bullshit, pure tech only
– if AWS sucks, say that
– be ready to discuss
– your comments can improve things so please say it
– we will freely compare tech outside AWS
The magic of AWS is that it is the best because they listened to their customers.
Rule #4
OK, no more rules – this is something to start with …

AND ... join our SLACK channel: