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What we’re about

The Axial Age (800-200 BC) was a period of cultural development and societal transition that was the first beginning of a recognisably modern consciousness. Science, philosophy, humanism, cosmopolitanism and the early foundation of all major world religions start during this time.

This group takes a historical approach to psycho-spiritual development and personal transformation by promoting an integrated understanding of the latest discoveries in psychology and cognitive science with the re-application of ancient wisdom from the Axial Age sages and traditions.

We will be investigating such things as Stoicism, Epicureanism, Platonism, Buddhism, and Chinese Classics, as well as modern authors who embody the spirit and values of Axial Age such as Erich Fromm or John Vervaeke.

These values include compassion, equality, justice, benevolence, wisdom, rationality, gratitude, peace and humility.

I believe only by recalling deeper sources of the present world and world view can we hope to gain the self-understanding necessary for dealing with our current dilemmas.”
Surely a study of this distant period can only be an exercise in spiritual archaeology, when what we need is to create a more innovative faith that reflects the realities of our own world. Yet, in fact, we have never surpassed the insights of the Axial Age. In times of spiritual or social crisis, men and woman have constantly turned back to this period for guidance.”
- The Great Transformation, 2006, Karen Armstrong (scholar of comparative religion)

"Today the Western Mind appears to be undergoing an epochal transformation, perhaps comparable to any in our civilisation's history. I believe we can participate intelligently in that transformation only to the extent to which we are historically informed."
- The Passion of the Western Mind, 1991, Richard Tarnas (cultural historian)

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