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What we’re about

Welcome Busy Moms! We are moms who are excited about self discovery and using the powerful wisdom of Ayurveda, Yoga and Tarot to guide our parenting. We all want a space to connect with like minded moms who believe that ancient tools help us connect with our Inner Wisdom which in turn is the key to raising happy, healthy and self aware children.
Our meetings will have a mix of conversation, shares, breathwork, meditations, dancing and/or anything else that feeds our soul!

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Anumeha Gupta. You can call me Anu.
I am a mom of two beautiful kids - 9 and 13 years of age and I live in Santa Clara.
I am also an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor, ThetaHealer & Yoga Teacher.

I look forward to connecting with all of you and see how we can add value to each other's lives.

This is our Oasis!