What we’re about
With AZ Mountain Biking, you will find all kinds of mountain biking in Arizona and beyond, including mountain bike skills classes, training tips, shop recommendations, and at least one organized ride every week. We also do summer trips to CO, Utah and New Mexico, and frequent the trails in Prescott and Flagstaff. There are all different types of rides from hard or easy, long or short. You can even request a specific ride; the day, the time, the terrain. Take a look at the web-site; the calendar, the postings and photos, to see if AZMB would be right for you!
Like Us on Facebook! This is where you will be able to see and download our ride photos https://www.facebook.com/pages/AZ-Mountain-Biking/103570989678583?ref=hl
1. AZMB membership dues are $5.00 per year. If you are visiting AZ, you are welcome to join us on a ride as our guest. Thank you! (Contact Amy for methods of payment.)
2. By joining AZ Mountain Biking (AZMB), you are agreeing to the Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risks at the very bottom of the page for any AZMB rides or events that you attend.
*For beginner mountain bikers, we highly recommend taking a skills clinic so that you will be ready to ride with a group. Please contact the Amy Regan if you are unsure of your riding level.
Your membership includes:
- Organized mountain bike rides, both local and out of state, with a ride leader, detailed descriptions, trail ratings, directions to rides, carpooling, expense sharing, etc.
- Message boards to meetup with others, share ideas, etc.
- Training tips and riding advice
- 10% off Mountain Bike Skills Clinics
- 20% off Personal Training
- Payment of the yearly dues
- RSVPing for rides
- Staying informed by reading AZMB emails and updates to the calendar
- A helmet and water pack/water bottles (100oz for most rides)
- A well fitting mountain bike in good working order
- Good cardio fitness (you have a regular routine of some type of cardio workouts at least twice a week)
- Self-preparedness: tools, food, water and maps to take care of yourself should the need arise!
So join us today, and experience new rides and meet new friends!
Feel free to contact me with questions, and I hope to see you on the trails soon!
Amy Regan, AZMB Organizer
By Joining AZMB, you agree to the following WAIVER, RELEASE, AND ASSUMPTION OF RISKS:
I/we by joining, attending and/or participating in AZ Mountain Biking and/or Amy Regan's rides and events, hereby waive, release and discharge the Meetup group AZ Mountain Biking (AZMB/Amy Regan) and its officers, ride leaders,volunteers, employees, organizers, sponsors, members, and ride participants from any and all claims for personal injury, property damage,or death resulting from my/our participation in any AZMB/Amy Regan event.
I/we acknowledge that mountain biking is a high-risk sport. I/we realize there are certain dangers inherent in the sport of mountain biking, and I/we assume these risks with the full understanding that injuries may result from my/our participation in any AZMB event.
I intend this release to discharge the above-named from any and all liability arising from or connected in any way with my/our participation in any event, even though that liability may result from the negligence or carelessness of the above named .
I/we certify that my/our bicycle is suitable for safe use in all events, that I/we are in good physical condition, and that I/we are able to complete the event. I/we agree to wear a bicycle helmet properly adjusted and fastened and approved by SNELL or ANSI.
I/we have read this waiver and release and fully understand its terms and agree that it shall be binding on my/our heirs and assigns. I/we consent to emergency care at my own expense if injured or ill.
Joining and/or participating in rides or events hosted by Amy Regan and/or AZMB is my signature on this waiver.