What we’re about
From Phoenix to all points North, South, East & West .. this region of America is bursting with canyoneering opportunities! With its proximity to the canyons of Utah, Nevada and California, (not to mention the great local selection of canyoneering opportunities from the Tonto to the Superstitions, to Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon) Arizona is a hot spot for the sport of Canyoneering. The purpose of this Meetup Group is to connect people in Arizona with each other, and with the communities of California and the greater Southwest. We will offer regular qualified instruction for the sport of canyoneering, as well as ACE Certified Guide Assessments, and other outdoor/wilderness skills courses like Map-and-Compass Navigation. In addition to our courses, which are the core of this organization, we will host canyoneering events and festivals in canyoneering regions across America and will do our best to nurture leaders to help provide opportunities for local canyon descents, practices, workshops, and community meetings. Anybody with the desire to learn canyoneering and anybody who already canyoneers ... this is your group. "Pay for the training and your fun is free!"
(If you want to see what you can expect from this meetup group, check out our sister site http://www.meetup.com/canyoneering/ ... you can also check us out at: http://UBERAdventures.net
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Moab - Advanced Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2)Lions Park and Bike Path Trailhead, Moab, UT
ADVANCED Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2)
To register for this class and avoid additional Meetup fees, please visit our website:
Upcoming Events – Uber AdventuresThis course is designed to provide students with the tools needed to jump to the next level of technical skill and become competent and safe canyoneers in ALL classes of canyons and touches on techniques and skills for the Canyon Essentials Course (ACE-L3) and the Canyon Rescue Course (ACE-L4). The practical experience that you gain during this course will give you the knowledge and confidence to tackle advanced canyon obstacles and many unexpected situations. This extremely popular curriculum has set a new standard by which all other courses and curriculums may be judged. This course was designed primarily to meet the needs of recreational canyoneers, but also forms the training foundation for those planning to seek certification as Professional Canyon Guide (ACE-L5).
Prerequisite: Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L1) or Instructor permission. Since this Two-Day Advanced Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2) builds upon the skills and techniques presented in our Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L1), you must have that training or extensive personal experience to be admitted to this class. Feel free to call if you're unsure if this course is the right fit for your experience.
The topics covered include:
• Efficient Rope Management
• Advanced Knots & Hitches
• Retrievable/Releasable Anchor Systems
• Transient Anchors
• Artificial Anchors Installation & Inspection
• Advanced Rope Deployment Methods
• Multi-Pitch Rappels
• Simul Rappels
• Advanced Rope Work for Traverses
• Guided Rappels & Tensioning Systems
• Deviations/Re-Directs
• 3 Ascending Methods & Converting to Rappel (Changeovers)
• Transitioning on top of Ascend
• Pothole Escape Techniques
• Basics of Mechanical AdvantageTuition for this 2-Day Advanced Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2) is only $395 per individual. Included with tuition is all instruction and all group Canyoneering equipment, i.e.: ropes, webbing, rope bags, rapides, rigging, etc. ... and a Certificate of Completion!!
Warning: The activities in this course have been found to be addictive. Only those people prepared for ultimate adventure and nonstop fun need attend!
Instructor: Jasmine King
Policies: https://uberadventures.net/policies/
Testimonials: https://uberadventures.net/testimonials/Not open - Moab - Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L1)Lions Park and Bike Path Trailhead, Moab, UT
To register for this class and avoid additional Meetup fees, please visit our website:
Upcoming Events – Uber AdventuresWhat is Canyoneering?
Canyoneering is an adventure sport that combines hiking, wading, swimming, jumping, sliding, boulder-hopping, scrambling, down-climbing, sometimes packrafting and always rappelling — often over waterfalls! Physically, it takes significantly less upper body strength than rock climbing and is therefore a sport that can be enjoyed by a much larger spectrum of the population - young or mature, tall or short, large or small. If you can hike, you can canyoneer! Our basic course gets you from "That looks cool!" to "Woohoo!" in 3 days! Check out these Vimeos and see why we are hooked on the sport!https://vimeo.com/148696696
https://vimeo.com/104538804Instruction: UBER Adventures is America’s premier Canyoneering Instruction, Events and Community! We offer a variety of Canyoneering Courses to get the beginner/intermediate Canyoneer up-to-speed in his/her Canyoneering-specific skills; to provide intermediate Canyoneers with the skill set to tackle Advanced canyons; to train Leaders/Organizers the techniques and strategies for technical and group-management challenges; to teach individuals and groups the skills necessary to perform immediate in-canyon self-rescues, partner rescues and to assist with group emergencies; and ultimately to provide the comprehensive training for anyone interested in seeking certification as a Professional Canyon Guide.
Prerequisite: None
This is a beginner to intermediate course which teaches the skills necessary to safely descend canyons as part of a group (being a competent participant and the knowledge to recognize and implement safe canyon practices). This course is designed to quickly get the beginner up-to-speed on basics, to give both the rookie and intermediate canyoneer new tools for his/her toolbox and will help intermediate cayoneers refine their current skill set!
The TOPICS and SKILLS covered will include:
· Knots, Bends and Hitches
· Canyon Rating System
· Rules, Ethics, Style, Communication and Courtesy
· Specific Gear Choices, Requirements, Use and Care
· Belays, Lowering and Handlines
· Natural, Artificial, & Human Anchors
· Static and Contingency Riggings
· Rope Deployment, Coiling, Bagging and Etiquette
· Rappelling Techniques & On-Rope Skills
(Adding Friction Pre-rappel, Mid-rappel, Locking Off, etc.)
· Specialized Rappelling Techniques
(Hard Starts, Soft Starts, Free-Hanging, Over-Hanging, etc.)
· Basic Climbing & Down Climbing Skills
(Bridging, Stemming, Partner Assists, Partner Captures, etc.)
· Safety Checking and Basic Self-Rescue
And, within each of these broad subjects are a myriad of skills and tools.Tuition: The cost of this course is only $395. For a full list of our course offerings and locations, go to https://UberAdventures.net
Gear Requirements for this course are a harness and a helmet (we can loan these out if you don't have them ... and we offer a 10% discount for any gear bought before/after the course at the Uber Adventures store), and we also loan out carabiners, descenders, tethers, foot loops, prusiks, etc. Feel free to borrow our gear for this course, until you determine what your needs will be.
Instructor: Jasmine King
Policies: https://uberadventures.net/policies/
Testimonials: https://uberadventures.net/testimonials/Not open - Moab - Canyon Leader Course (ACE-L3) 'Intensive'Lions Park and Bike Path Trailhead, Moab, UT
Canyon Leader Course (ACE-L3)
To register for this class and avoid additional Meetup fees, please visit our website:
Upcoming Events – Uber AdventuresUber Adventures' Canyon Leader Course (ACE-L3) is designed to prepare some for organizing or leading canyons and others to improve skills and expand the number of tools in their toolbox; specifically providing the next level of skills training through technical instruction and experiential practice. While these tools are a vital component for any active canyoneer, they are imperative for anyone leading rookies, kids, family or friends into a canyon. This course provides strategic training for unexpected technical and group management challenges ... when things don't go quite as planned!
While this course is designed primarily to meet the needs of recreational canyoneers, it also provides a bridge between the Advanced Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2) and the Canyon Rescue Course (ACE-L4), and forms the training foundation for those planning to seek ACE certification as a Professional Canyon Guide! (While it is not required you take ACE-L2-L3-L4 Courses in sequence, it is recommended.)
SKILLS covered include:
• Group Gear Choices & Distribution, Pack Management
• Strand Isolation and Leapfrogging for speeding things up
• Static Courtesy Rappels to make hard-starts easier
• Dynamic Courtesy Rappels to make super-hard-starts safer and easier
• Lowering Systems for emergencies and speed
• Pre-Rigged Rappels and Rigging Kids for Rappel
• Static & Dynamic Edge Protection to increase rope life
• Direct Top Belays, Handlines and Sequencing
• Advanced Belay Techniques & Rappel Friction for Long Rappels
• Passing Knots on Ascend and Rappel & Changeovers
• Advanced Lock-Off Methods
• Converting Static Block to Lowering System for assist or rescue
• Isolating In-Field Rope Damage (Core Shot)
• Constructing a Swiss Seat for rescue or gear failure
• Rappelling on a Munter for emergencies
• Advanced Friction OptionsPrerequisites: Since this course builds upon the skills and techniques presented in our Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L1) AND our Advanced Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2), we recommend that you've either taken both courses or have significant relevant personal experience before taking this class (please inquire if you're unsure if this is the correct course for your current skill set).
Required Gear: Harness, Helmet, Rappel Device, Figure 8 for Rigging, Gloves, 5-6 HMS Screwgate Carabiners, 48" Sling or Foot Loop, Personal Safety Tether/Lanyard, Prusik Loop, Mechanical Ascenders, 25' of webbing, 20' Cordelette-optional or Canyon Cordelette-optional (and appropriate shoes and pack).
Tuition: This Canyon Essentials Course (ACE-L3) is only $395 per individual. This is an expedited version of the 2-day Canyon Leader Course (ACE-L3). All skills will be covered in only 1 long-ish day, but there will be a maximum of only 4-5 students! The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferrable but may be put toward a future course in the same calendar year if a 7-day notice is given cancelling your participation in this course. For a full list of our course offerings and locations, go to https://UberAdventures.net
Instructor: Jasmine King
Policies: https://uberadventures.net/policies/
Testimonials: https://uberadventures.net/testimonials/Not open - Moab, UT - Canyon Rescue Course (ACE-L4)Lions Park and Bike Path Trailhead, Moab, UT
To register for this class and avoid additional Meetup fees, please visit our website:
Upcoming Events – Uber AdventuresTrain Hard, Plan Well, Be Safe ... but accidents still happen.
Boost your confidence and fill your mental toolbox with skills to handle technical emergencies.
This Canyon Rescue Course (ACE-L4) by Uber Adventures teaches the skills necessary to perform immediate, in-canyon self-rescues, partner rescues, and how to assist with group emergencies ... all with your groups' normal rack-and-pack (the minimal gear you should carry on your harnesses and in your packs.)
This course not only teaches you the skills and methods necessary to execute a variety of rescue procedures, but it provides the impetus for critical thinking through an emergency. How would you help a canyoneer stuck on a rope? How would you help an unconscious canyoneer stuck on a rope? How quickly could you figure out how to convert a static block to a lowering system? Could you haul a rappeller back to the top of a drop by yourself? Have you ever been in a canyon, assessing a fictional problem and felt helpless? Are your responsibilities in a canyoneering event greater because you're the leader/organizer? Would you like to be a more valuable team member? This course is vital for not only canyoneering leaders, but also for conscientious recreational canyoneers who value their own safety and the safety of their party.
With the technical skills presented in this course, you could prevent the need for calling in an expensive Search and Rescue team, avoid putting rescuers at risk, avoid spending the night in a canyon, and continue a canyon descent with a non-critically injured teammate.
Skills covered include:
• Advanced Friction Options
• Knots, Rope Grabs & Progress Capture Methods
• Anchors, Rigging & Friction Dynamics for Rescue
• Mechanical Advantage and Haul Systems
• Converting Static Rigging to Haul or Lower
• Assisted Rappel & Tandem Rappel Techniques
• Hero Rescue, Balancier Lift
• Rappelling on a Tensioned Rope
• Guide Ropes, Tag Lines, Belays
• Cut-and-Lower Procedures
• Special Ascending Techniques for Rescue
• Pick-Off Procedures Scenario (X2)
• Considerations for musculoskeletal injuriesPrerequisites: Since this course builds upon the skills and techniques presented in our Technical Canyoneering Course (ACE-L1), our Advanced Canyoneering Course (ACE-L2), AND our Canyon Leader Course (ACE-L3), we recommend that you've either taken two or three of those courses or have significant relevant personal experience before taking this class (please inquire if you're unsure if this is the correct course for your current skill set).
This course is not only a great time to up your recreational canyoneering skills to an admirable level, but it presents the remaining skills for Certification as a Professional Canyon Guide (ACE-L5) with ACE (Association for Canyoneering Education)! Check out the benefits of ACE certification. They're pretty dang awesome: http://ACEcanyoneering.com.
For a full list of our course offerings and locations, go to https://UberAdventures.net
Instructor: Jasmine King
Policies: https://uberadventures.net/policies/
Testimonials: https://uberadventures.net/testimonials/Not open