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Tomorrow's wine meetup at 6:30 PM at the Wine Bistro on Lane Ave in Upper Arlington is a GO.... rain or no rain....

From: user g.
Sent on: Monday, September 17, 2012, 1:15 PM

Hi All:


This message is going out to all members of the Dublin wine meetup.

Kelley, the manager at the Wine Bistro, has confirmed that we have a BIG table reserved for us (seating 20) inside the restaurant in case of rain. 

Additionally, the "over flow" folks will have room inside.  If the 70% chance of NOT raining holds, we will enjoy the tables outside...but the large table inside is still ours. 


5 available wine flights (2 whites and 2 reds, and 1 rose flight) are available.  Kelley has said we can order off the full menu, with flatbreads, olive & cheese plates, salads, pasta, sandwiches, etc available.  Individual checks. 
ordering a bottle? No corkage fees tomorrow.


Wine Bistro
1750 West Lane Avenue #100 Upper Arlington, OH 43221


I will be collecting $1 from each attendee to cover our meetup expenses and the balance goes to our selected charity. 

Cash is preferred.  I can give receipts if necessary.


Hope to see many of you tomorrow,





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