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Research study for secularists.....

From: Bruce G.
Sent on: Monday, August 13, 2018, 8:12 AM

I was emailed this study a few days ago and thought that some of the BYS members might have the time (25 minutes) to complete it.


Dear Secular, Atheist, Freethought, and Humanist Group Leaders,

The Atheist Research Collaborative has agreed to help some of our close colleagues with recruiting for a new study which seeks to examine psychological distinctions among atheists, agnostics, and those who are nonreligious. As they describe their study:

As distinct groups, the nonreligious and unbelievers are often treated as a monolithic block, thus downplaying
diversity that may exist among them.  Because of this, we are interested in examining differences in personality traits and personal values between sub-groups of the nonreligious.

The average survey completion time is estimated to be 25 minutes. This study has been approved by the institutional review board at Biola University. Participants must be at least 18 years of age, and must also consider themselves to be an agnostic, an atheist, or nonreligious (even if they do not consider themselves to be an atheist or agnostic). The researchers are especially interested in respondents who are not affiliated with, or active in, secular or freethought organizations (what we refer to as “secular nonaffiliates”).  If you have friends or associates who fit this description, please feel free to share this with them and encourage them to do the same in their own social networks. Of course, also feel free to share this survey on your social media and with anyone who fits the general participant description.

The first page of the survey is Informed Consent, and contains more detailed information. Questions and comments about this research, including the survey link, may be addressed to Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Ph.D., Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University, by emailing

The survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonke uk/r/MM6HWT8


Kind Regards,

Joseph Langston, MA
ARC Affiliate

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