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The Freethought Alliance conference is in five days!

From: Bruce G.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 22, 2018, 8:11 AM


There is still time to get your tickets to this special annual event happening this coming Sunday, August 26.  If you are interested in compelling and educational topics, this conference is one not to be missed.   There are few places where you can gain the insight of others who have so much to say about how and why the U.S. is getting more secular year by year, and how the religious/political system is gaining ground in "religious freedom", otherwise known as the right to discriminate.


For those who have trouble waking up on Sunday morning, we have moved our starting time to 8:15am, with our first speaker opening the conference at 8:45am.  Don't miss this exciting  conference.  Make your registration at our EventBrite page.


article-image Just added: Video streaming!   There's nothing like seeing speakers give interesting talks in person, but if you can't attend this conference, you might want to see the conference LIVE through our streaming service.  You'll see seven of the eight speakers for only $15 from 9am - 4:30pm PST.   Just click on the Video Streaming page at to find out how you can enjoy this conference on-line.


Bruce Gleason

Conference director


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