What we’re about
Sorry to disappoint this isn't actually a sex cult (just needed a catchy title), what this is however is a place for +19 b-movie lovers to hang out every week or so, slam beers, and unleash their inner autism over trash cinema.
My place has one lazyboy recliner, and two couches (seating for 8 people), a small bar, and a large bigscreen T.V., perfect for shudder.com streaming.
What is trash cinema? It's hard to pin down, but think of anything made by troma, or full moon pictures. Here is a synopsis of a regular Ol b-movie:
"A teen learns that a scientist implanted her dead boyfriend's brain into an animatronic dinosaur."
That's a "plot" synopsis from the classic cinema masterpiece "Tammy and the T-rex", so you get the picture of what kind of films we'll be watching?
If you like Joe Bob Briggs, B.B.Q, and meeting fellow bad movie fans this is probably going to be fun for you. You don't need to bring anything other than a good sense of humour, misery loves company, so whether you're a "libtard", or a "cuckservative" you're welcome here!
On occasion we may do some other things aside from watching films, here is a list of what else may be on the agenda:
- Videogames. <br>- Drinking at cool venues (St.Franks, cenote, the vic theatre). <br>- Any other interesting offbeat shenanigans it's saul goodman.
Just like fight club there are some ground rules:
1). You gotta be at least 19 to join in on these shenanigans, nothing personal but I don't want to expose any youngins to the degenerates that are sure to patron these meet-ups. (Okay fine I don't really care about the children, I just don't want the liability of someone giving booze to someone underage, so if you've got kids leave em at home, also kids smell like peanut butter, and cookies, and it's gross).
2). Treat my place with respect, the same as you would treat yours, unless you live like buffalo bill.
3). This is a group where the humour will not be politically correct, in order for me to even make this meetup page, I needed to self censor substantially, just so you know the actual meetups are going to substantially more salacious. So yeah don't be a snowflake, but don't go out of you're way to be rude to others either. If you can't be civil you will be banished from our kingdom and forever live in the shame of being rejected by a bunch of rejects.
4). Dear god, be presentable, you don't need to dress up, but shower, and don't look like you're going to end up using anyones face as a mask.
I pay for this out of my own pocket, just because I find Victoria boring, and I want to give film weirdo's a place to hang with people, it's something that I wish was available when I first moved into town.
If you're interested in joining the cult shoot me a message with a bit of info about yourself, and your favourite B movie.
Cheers, and beers!
P.S. the logo for this club was designed by hehesillycomics, you can check out here work here:
You can also support her work here: