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What we’re about

Welcome to Bakers and Tasters! We are a Baking Club (AND EATING CLUB!)
Ladies, do you...
• Love to bake (sweet or savory)? OR....
Love to eat sweet and savory baked goods?
• Love to socialize over coffee and tea?

...if you say "yes" to any of these questions, then this meetup group is for you! 
For now, we will be scheduling a meetup once every month or two in DANVERS, MA. Don't be afraid of the wait list! Just throw your name on there! I can assure you that people sign up well ahead and then by the time the event rolls around, it dwindles down. In general, everyone gets to attend unless it's a special small event on rare occasion.

This meetup group is for ladies only - every night will be "ladies night"!

BAKERS - Do you need people to eat your experiments? Would you like a "cafe" style setting for people to enjoy your baking? If you are a baker (new or seasoned) and want a unique outlet for your baking while meeting new people, please join us! And on those occasional weeks when you don't feel like baking, or are too busy to bake, you can be a taster and simply come and enjoy! 
TASTERS - Do you love to sit around a table with a cup of coffee and enjoy a sweet or savory treat in the evening while having the opportunity to meet new friends? Then please join us! 
ANYONE ELSE - If you are not a baker and are not really interested in eating but love to meet new friends over a cup of coffee and would enjoy a monthly ladies night out, then by all means please join us! 
DUES: This meetup group is FREE to join. There will be a contribution bucket at events and it is recommended that attendees contribute $2 - $5 per attended event. It is extremely helpful in off-setting the meetup costs (which continuously increase), and buying supplies. Any and all contributions are greatly appreciated! If you want to know where your contributions are going, the finances are public and there is a link on the event page. You can see all of the startup costs and ongoing costs and how the past dues and contributions have helped to offset those costs.
I am very excited about this meetup! I have always enjoyed baking and I would do more 'recipe tweaking' and recreational baking if I had people to eat it on a regular basis. This will be a great outlet while meeting new friends at the same time! I am thoroughly excited about baking new recipes while meeting new friends over coffee!