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What we’re about

Our support group is designed to support anyone impacted by mood disorders who desire practical tools to improve their quality of life. Anyone interested in personal wellness, learning, and promoting a positive and supportive environment is welcome to join us! Our group is open to the community. :)

There are many methods one can use to manage symptoms. We share our personal journeys with one another, and help people connect with resources that are relevant to their lifestyle. As a team, we'll review tools that have been effective for other members and families. We look forward to meeting you, understanding your challenges, and helping you reach your full human potential.

The link above will connect you with information links our group has found informative, and helpful. If you are seeking more information, click on the link, scroll down, and explore the links at the bottom-left side of the webpage.

Meeting Information:

Time: 7:00PM to 8:30PM

Place: Trinity Lutheran Church - 1500 27th Street, Sacramento CA 95816

Frequency: Every Wednesday