What we’re about
We are Balfolk Dublin, a community dance group organising balfolk dance sessions nearly
every Sunday at The Cobblestone pub (in the back room) from 4pm to 7pm. We are an inclusive and diverse group of people from all around the world, who meet to dance, socialise and have
But what is balfolk?
Balfolk dances are broadly inspired by folk dances and music from around the world (France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Turkey, Israel etc.).
The steps are generally easy and technique is not the main concern. Having
fun dancing together is more important! Balfolk dances take many shapes as they can be
done in circles, in lines or with a partner.
Don’t hesitate to come if you have never danced, as we will provide guidance and
instructions to learn the steps.
Besides our regular Sunday sessions, we organise special events with live music and workshops with guest teachers and musicians.
We look forward to meeting you! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
And for the more curious ones who want to look for videos, here are the names of some
dances: Chapelloise, Mazurka, Circassian Circle, Waltz, Hassapiko, Sbrando, Repasseado,
Meet-up: https://www.meetup.com/BALFOLK-DUBLIN/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/balfolkdublin
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/balfolkdublin/