What we’re about
Searching for an exciting, new, engaging, and entertaining activity to enjoy without the 'road trip' to D.C. or Arlington? Check us out, dance with us for a night, learn some cool moves, and meet some fun people. No experience OR partner necessary.
Convinced you have 2 left feet?!? Allow us to be your personal 'Myth Busters' and show you how much fun you've been missing out on.
Don't miss our exciting, new dedicated Level 1 Beginner Night --
every Monday starting at 6:15pm!
Then mark your calendar for the next step -- our Level 2 + 3 Class at 7:00pm for Latin Tuesdays and Swing'er Wednesdays.
Make sure you stick around for the best part of the night to practice what you learned, mingle, and enjoy our After-Hours Dance Social at Loudoun's absolute most social dance destination!