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Don't miss our PowerTeam January meetup in 2 days!

From: Thierry M
Sent on: Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 12:28 AM
I've updated this event. For more details, see the full listing:

When: this Wednesday, January 9 at 6:00 PM

We're starting out the new year on a very strong note! Our scheduled guest presenter this month will be Janine Driver, internationally-recognized body language & deception detection expert. Some of you may have seen Janine on NBC's Today Show, Fox News or on one of her very successful appearances on the Rachel Ray Show. Since we already know how important physiology is in a successful triad, Janine's presentation will take your powers of observation and instincts to a whole new level. Don't miss this one!

We have some big changes in mind for 2008. More social and volunteer activities. More personally relevant content. More skill sessions. More goal setting. More support and accountability. We may even consider having meetings on weekends if there is significant interest. If that appeals to you, we need to hear from you.

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