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What we’re about

Welcome to the Bangkok Social Meet Up Group. We're all on the lookout for good times and new friendships because, let's face it, humans are social creatures! Whether you have a few friends and want to expand your social circle or simply crave more connections, why not join our group?

Our goal is simple: we want to bring together anyone in Bangkok who's eager to make new friends while trying out new and fun activities at the same time. Each event promises to be a unique experience! From go-karting to bowling, cycling to ice skating, there's something for everyone. The best part? No specific skills are required for any of the activities — we're all about trying new things, having fun and being sociable.

Our meet-ups will typically be scheduled every two weeks in and around Bangkok, lasting around two hours. We'll do our best to keep things centrally located for everyone's convenience. The group is completely free! Any costs associated with activities will be paid directly to the respective companies or venues hosting the events.

In this group, your input and ideas are always encouraged. If some activities prove to be a hit, we'll gladly arrange them again. We're open to your suggestions because this group is all about creating enjoyable experiences together.

So let's start connecting with new people. We've got some fantastic events lined up, and we can't wait to make incredible memories with all of you.