What we’re about
Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/+1xBDryJbhb1mNjBk
Join NFT Barcelona to network and learn about all topics related to NFT, crypto and blockchain. This group is free to join and events will normally be free to attend.
The purpose of this group is to raise awareness and educate about nft, while creating and establishing vibrant NFT community, where we can connect with people who are excited for the future of NFTs. Everyone is welcome to join, from total newbie to NFT, aspiring & established creators, collectors, to NFTs&crypto aficionados with experience.
Our events will have presentations, networking events, talks, interactive workshops and more. :)
We will be organising monthly educational events in collaboration and at Akasha Hub Barcelona. https://akasha.org
By any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out
Violeta (interdisciplinary artist, film maker, NFT Community builder)
viomarin.eth (TG, TW, IG)
Únete a NFT Barcelona para ampliar tu red de contactos y aprender sobre los conceptos relacionados con el mundo de las NFTs, Crypto y Blockchain.
Este grupo es organizado y esponsorizado por DoinGud https://doingud.com
El objetivo del grupo es favorecer el conocimiento y educar sobre NFT, creando una extraordinaria comunidad, donde podamos conectar con personas entusiastas del future de los NFTs. Todos están bienvenidos, desde los novatos, los creadores establecidos hasta los aficionados de NFTs y crypto con experiencia.
Nuestros eventos tendrán presentaciones, eventos de networking, charlas, workshops interactivos y mucho más :D
Organizaremos eventos educativos cada mes, en colaboración con Akasha Hub Barcelona: https://akasha.org
Si tienes cualquier pregunta, no dudes en contactar:
Violeta (artista multidisciplinaria, film maker)
viomarin.eth (TG, TW, IG)