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Building a Huge Audience - Global Meetup Mastermind at 'The Movement'

From: Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, M.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 11:48 AM

Many of you have expressed an interest to build a membership.

We are proud to partner with The Movement͛ and extend to you an exclusive invitation to attend a FREE, 5-day virtual summit for membership builders.

This summit is an opportunity to hear from leaders in the membership

community who have built successful, thriving online movements.

Over the course of 5 days, these leaders and experts will share their journey and offer up valuable, actionable advice on how to unite, inspire and engage members in today’s world.

There is no registration fee and the expert interviews and sessions will be

recorded and available in multiple formats for you to enjoy at your leisure.

As a membership builder, we encourage you to take advantage of this exclusive invitation and join us under one virtual roof for the one-of-a-kind learning and networking opportunity.

My interview will be 'aired' on Thursday Nov 9th at 11 am Central - The Power of Meetup in Building an Audience.

Registration information is one click away at

Please enjoy the Free virtual summit.

Sunil Bhaskaran, Organizer.


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