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Today - Write and publish a great book in just 90 days

From: Sunil Bhaskaran Speaker, M.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 11:42 AM

Today - A special treat to you for being part of our meetup group community - many of you have asked for a webinar on how to write and publish a book effectively and I asked my friend John Eggen to create a special virtual presentation to you.  Here is the description:

The biggest problem keeping most professionals and conscious entrepreneurs from getting all the big pay offs that come from writing a book is their perceived lack of TIME to write the book.

The solution?

Before you read the solution, you should know this is just one of the things you will learn more about from my guest, book publishing and marketing expert, John Eggen, during our valuable, free webinar today.  Join us.

TOPIC:  "How to Write and Publish a Transformational Book that Attracts New Clients and Generates Multiple Income Streams--All in as Few as 90 Days"

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, December 19th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern

PLACE:  The comfort of your own home or office--by web cast

NOTE: Attend the live webinar and you'll also get access to three valuable free gifts that will help you write this caliber of book. (One of them is worth $1,000.)

Click here to reserve your f.r.e.e seat now:

The solution to the lack of time preventing so many professionals and conscious entrepreneurs from writing their book today?

You can write and publish a quality, transformational book fast -- in as few as 90 days -- if you know how.

During the webinar, John will reveal how to save a tremendous amount of time (and effort) by using a time-proven system to write and publish your book.  You'll automatically get it done in a fraction of the time you'd otherwise have to put into it.

And it becomes effortless to write fast when you write like the pros do.  For instance, write your first draft without any editing.  You'll open your creative flow, put aside the analytic mind and, as you do, you'll build momentum and it becomes effortless to write fast.

Lastly, when you write your book the right way, it will be a magnet for potential clients…

How to dramatically reduce the time needed to get your book done is just one of the important topics we’ll be focusing on in my webinar being hosted by John Eggen Tuesday about how to "How to Write and Publish a Transformational Book that Attracts New Clients and Generates Multiple Income Streams--All in as Few as 90 Days"

Click here to register:

Attend on Tuesday, December 19th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern and you will get in-depth answers to important questions including:

The proven 9-step system to write and publish a transformational book that attracts clients and generates multiple income streams — in as few as 90 days

The 6 biggest ways a book can attract more of your ideal clients

The single biggest mistake most authors make that cripples their book’s money-making ability, and how you can avoid it

Time-tested methods insiders use to write a quality book faster than you thought possible

PLUS: live, interactive Q&A at the end to answer questions asked by you and others

I invite you to join us and benefit!

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, December 19th at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern

PLACE:  The comfort of your own home or office--by web cast

NOTE: Remember, attend the live webinar and you'll also get access to three valuable free gifts (one is worth $1,000) that will help you write this caliber of book.

Click here to reserve your place now:

To your success,




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