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What we’re about

No more dirty diapers, playdates, PTA meetings, babysitters, homework, or weekend activities/sporting events, etc!

As awesome and exciting as may might sound, there may also be an element of loneliness, sadness, and confusion around what to do with this next chapter of your life and new found freedom!

Well...YOUR time is NOW!

It is time to figure out who you are and where your interest lie with like minded women.

Pleas join this group if ALL of your children are 18yo and up and you are an empty nester - meaning your children have flown the coop (may live at home but no longer a minor).

Let's get together and enjoy festivals, movies, theater, concerts, wine tasting, fine dining, travel, and just the simple pleasures of life!

Follow us on our new Instagram page

***Please only RSVP for events that you plan to attend, if you are unable to attend an event please change your RSVP to reflect your attendance accurately*** Otherwise, leadership will remove you from the group.