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What we’re about

What are Men's Community Couch Conversations?
This is the Queer Men's online space to learn, listen, share and be heard.
Topics will be guided by participants but may include loneliness, sexual health difficulties, stress, anxiety or depression.

What happens during these sessions? 
These facilitated online group gatherings provide a safe place where queer men in similar circumstances can come together to form connections, make friends and talk openly about their issues.

What’s the benefit of attending?
Men's Community Couch Conversations provide you with :

  • a safe space free of judgement where your privacy and vulnerability is treated with the upmost respect and understanding,
  • connection with others who have similar issues or interests,
  • a voice and promotes social interaction.

Who runs it?
Shaun, our facilitator, is a registered Counsellor with the Australian Counselling Association. Having dealt with many complicated issues himself, and as a gay man coming out later in life, he understands many of the difficulties that men need to talk about on the couch.

How much is it and what does it include?

  • Each session is FREE to attend.
  • You receive 2 hours of group connection with a nationally qualified counsellor.
  • Each participant receives a 10% discount on their first 1-on-1 online Counselling session at Bent Couch Counselling.