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What we’re about

Are you fascinated by the ancient myths and legends that have shaped cultures throughout history? Do you find yourself drawn to the realms of gods, heroes, and mystical creatures? If so, you've come to the right place. The Mythology Book Club Meetup Group is a haven for enthusiasts like you who are passionate about exploring the rich tapestry of mythological stories from around the world.

Each month, we select a captivating mythology book that transports us to different cultures and epochs. From Greek and Norse mythology to Egyptian and African folklore, we embrace the diverse range of mythological traditions that have captured the imaginations of people throughout time. Our reading list includes both well-known classics and hidden gems, allowing us to explore both familiar and lesser-known mythologies.

During our meetups, we gather in a cozy and welcoming atmosphere to share our thoughts, interpretations, and insights about the chosen book. These discussions are not only an opportunity to expand our understanding of mythology but also to foster connections with fellow enthusiasts who share our passion. Members are encouraged to bring their own perspectives, personal experiences, and interpretations, creating a dynamic and enriching environment for everyone involved.

In addition to our regular book discussions, the Mythology Book Club Meetup Group organizes special events and activities to deepen our engagement with mythology. These may include mythology-themed movie nights, visits to relevant exhibitions or museums, and live performances. We believe in the power of mythology to inspire, challenge, and spark our creativity, and these events provide avenues for further exploration and connection.

Whether you're an expert in mythology or just starting your journey into the realms of gods and legends, our meetup group welcomes you with open arms. Join us to embark on a fascinating adventure through the ages and immerse yourself in the captivating world of mythologies.

Come and be part of the Mythology Book Club today! Together, let's unlock the ancient stories that continue to captivate our hearts and minds.

Upcoming events (4+)

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