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Meetup Postponed: ALDC's Annual Hafla - Cirque Arabesque!

From: Jessa M
Sent on: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 11:48 AM


We are sad to have to announce that, due to recent family and career demands, ALDC has decided to postpone our hafla scheduled for November 5. We always strive to present a quality hafla that is a joy for both those dancing and those in the audience, and doing so takes a considerable amount of time and energy that we are unfortunately unable to provide at this time. We assure you that we are alright and everyone is well; sometimes we just have to look at our lives and prioritize! That said, we are looking at dates in the Spring and plan to keep the same Cirque Arabesque theme. We hope that you will able to join us for the show next year. Think of it as a few extra months to polish that amazing performance! We will keep everyone posted as we secure a date and develop further details. -Luna ALDC Prez