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What we’re about

FUN! FUN! FUN! We are adventurous road cyclists!
We are a social public group with cycling as our common denominator. We do not insist on membership fees, but instead rely solely on your donations to keep the site up and running. Donations will be greatly appreciated every February when MeetUp bills us, but your gifts, no matter the amount are always welcome any time! Just reach out to Gina!
We ride together as a group, respect each other, and we promote road cycling safety. Take your time and look around our site, check out our past rides, riding safety posts and the photo section. 
We really have only three rules; you must have a profile picture that others can clearly identify you from, we encourage ridign safety, and we hope you sign up for a ride, bringing a positive outlook!
We can't wait to meet you! If you have any questions just send a message to the Organizer/Co-Organizer or any A/O, and we'll get back to you promptly. :D

Group links