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What we’re about

Welcome veggie-lovers, and followers of the "Middle path". Though we welcome everyone, this group was conceived as a safe haven for those caught in the middle - vegetarians.  It’s a place to meet and hang out without the judgment or social pressures from omnivores and even well-intentioned vegans, where we celebrate our cruelty-free and healthy lifestyles.

In these modern complex and busy times one of the benefits is the large variety of choices we have, be it for news and entertainment sources, where we work, who we love, or even the type of nut butter you want on your toast. And one of the most important choices we can make is what we eat. It can be a challenging and sometimes lonely journey trying to do what’s right or just trying to make the world a better place. But we don’t have to go it alone.

That’s where Bexar Vegetarian comes in. This is the place where we can develop a sense of community, camaraderie, and shared purpose. Look for informative, as well as, social events like wining & dining, movies, lectures, parties, hikes, camping, yoga, and anything else the group can think up.

So for vegetarians, vegans, and even omnivores in transition or just curious, join us. You’ll find we’re a friendly lot and eager to share our experiences, challenges, triumphs,… and recipes!

Upcoming events (3)

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