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New Meetup: GPC: Low key ride, Tilden, Inspiration pt

From: Drew
Sent on: Thursday, August 5, 2010, 3:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Berkeley Bicycling Meetup Group!

What: GPC: Low key ride, Tilden, Inspiration pt

When: Saturday, August 7,[masked]:00 AM

Where: Orinda Bart Station
11 Camino Pablo
Orinda, CA 94563

This is a Grizzly Peak Cyclists (GPC) ride, and I will NOT be attending. All GPC rides are open to the public. This specific ride is marked as:

3/T/32 which means: moderatley hilly, Touring pace (Touring: steady pace, fewer stops, for experienced riders), and 32 miles en total.

Good luck, Have fun!

Here is the copy paste from their website:
Meet at 10:00 a.m. at Orinda BART for a prompt 10:15 departure. Low key ride from Orinda BART with a surprise at Inspiration Point in Tilden Park. This will be a hilly route up Pinehurst to lunch at Sibley Reserve. We will follow Skyline and Grizzly Peak to Golf Course and Shasta, stopping at Inspiration Point for a refreshing treat before return to BART via Wildcat Canyon. Pace will be steady slow T, appropriate for riders rehabbing from illness or injury or getting back into shape after a layoff from riding. Bring lunch, water. Coleaders Krehe Ritter (510)[masked], , Janet Noble (510)[masked],

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