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New Meetup: Weekly hill climb - stay in shape for the weekends

From: Mike
Sent on: Sunday, November 7, 2010, 10:41 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Berkeley Bicycling Meetup Group!

What: Weekly hill climb - stay in shape for the weekends

When: Wednesday, November 10,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Nomad Cafe
6500 Shattuck Ave.
Oakland, CA 94609

We leave from Nomad cafe on Shattuck. Here's the basic route:

This is a road ride. Please bring a helmet, water and lights (not an option this time of year). Expect hills, but nothing too crazy (realizing that crazy is a relative term)! The pace and distance of the ride are determined by the group. We won't leave anyone behind.

If you're not sure if you want to do this whole ride, you can drive to Gateway Plaza, park your car, and bike only the pleasant part! Here's a map

See you soon - Mike

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