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What we’re about

Welcome to the Embodiment Dojo

Increase your joy and pleasure and become more alive with us!

What is the Embodiment Dojo?
What we offer is a body-mind approach to psychological, physical and emotional health and well-being. Our classes are a unique movement experience, where we begin to soften the muscular tension and chronic holding in our bodies through a series of gentle stretches, grounding and self-expression exercises. Relieving stress, enhancing our emotional well-being and sense of self and beginning to open our heart to life.

"My classes follow a format of checking in with the body, warm-ups, grounding and building the body's energy, then discharging the energy through movement and expression. This is followed by relaxation. The immediate result is a felt sense of security, vibrancy and exhilaration." - Seth Newman

In our classes you will earn to ride the waves of feelings and emotion without getting lost in the rapids...

At the personal level, the highly experiential nature of our work is a catalyst for transformation, as participants work in the laboratory of their own process and their relationship to others. The work opens the heart, brings grounded empowerment to the personality, and a deeper connection to the Core; centre of your authentic self and Divine essence.


More about the Embodiment Dojo and Bioenergetics
Bioenergetic Alchemy™ uses energy, movement, breath and inter-personal relationships to create consciousness about who you truly are. You become aware of the ways in which you hold yourself back from living a deeply fulfilling life. One way we all inhibit ourselves is by blocking our energy - and our emotions - in parts of our body. By learning how to move the energy in your body, you learn to free your emotions (e-motions) and to get in touch with all your feelings. When you loosen these local blocks, your experience of your entire body changes.

Clients say they have become more alive, powerful, joyful, daring…

What is Bioenergetic Alchemy™?

Bioenergetic Alchemy™ is a creative, dynamic and very fun way for you to experience fully the creativity, dynamism and joy of your own life energy!

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