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BioNet Monthly Meet Up!

Photo of Byung Sa
Hosted By
Byung S. and Michael A.
BioNet Monthly Meet Up!


Join BioNet for our monthly Biotech meetups to network and exchange knowledge! Meet professionals from various sectors like Industry, Academia, Consulting, and more, making it an essential event for anyone in the Life Sciences field. Whether your focus is Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, Informatics, or Biology, you’ll find valuable connections here.

We rotate our meetup locations across the Bay Area to reach all members, commonly meeting at Dokkaebier (Oakland) or Dirty Bird (Hayward). Please check the location each month as it changes.

Don’t miss our BioNet Biotech Bash for networking, socializing, and fun. It’s a great chance to broaden your network and learn more about Life Sciences industry.

Mark your calendars for an event that’s shaping the future of biotech and be part of a community moving the industry forward.

Photo of Biotech Networking (BioNet) group
Biotech Networking (BioNet)
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Every 3rd Saturday of the month

420 3rd St a · Oakland, CA
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location