What we’re about
The Bipolar Chat and Coffee group was created for local bipolars to meet and chat about their respective experiences, however any person who has intimate bipolar contact on a regular basis or is just interested in the condition is more than welcome to attend. We also welcome those who have Depression, General Anxiety, Social Anxiety and OCD. Hopefully, through hearing the thoughts and stories of others, a certain sense of perspective and understanding about the disorder can be gained which is otherwise difficult to obtain. Posted topics are just suggestions, not an agenda. The bottom line: an open discussion on all aspects of bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders, between peers, great coffee, and some of the most interesting stories you've ever heard!
For some new members, it's a praiseworthy accomplishment to get out and go to a first meeting. The organizers are especially aware of this. We will help you to feel comfortable and welcome.
For the many members who have made good friends in this group, it is about much more than our meetings. The friendships have significantly improved their lives.
RSVPs are extremely helpful, but they are not required. The number of RSVPs often differs from the actual number of attendees.
For Your own sake, and for the meetings please be vaccinated including the booster vaccine dose.
The weekly meeting Day and Time have recently CHANGED !
Meetings are nearly every Sunday at 3:00 at Empire Cafe.