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What we’re about

Welcome to the BKK Crosstalkers Group!

In our events we have normal conversations (German-German or French-French) and also Crosstalk conversations (in German-English, French-English). It is not necessary to “crosstalk” at our events.

What is "Crosstalk"?

"Crosstalk" refers to a method where two or more people, each speaking their own native language, communicate with each other simultaneously.

This immersive learning strategy is based on the idea that direct engagement and the need to understand another's language can foster and accelerate language acquisition.

Key aspects include natural context learning, active listening, reduced inhibitions since participants can express themselves in their mother tongue, and mutual learning where each participant acts as both teacher and student.

The group creator thinks that “cross-talking” is a method of learning that supports the “comprehensible input” theory proposed by Stephen Krashen.

If you do not understand German or French and would like to learn, please come to our meetups to discuss with the creator possible ways of becoming fluent enough (in listening) to be able to participate in our “cross-talking” meetups.

Language learning, or acquisition, is easy and anyone can do it without language classes or grammar textbooks. The creator understands German, French and Spanish and is working towards fluency in multiple languages.

Join us for a dynamic and immersive language learning experience where participants communicate in their native languages simultaneously.

Whether you're a beginner looking to practice and improve your conversational skills or an advanced speaker seeking cultural exchange, this group is for you.

Through Crosstalk, you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations, practice active listening, and broaden your understanding of different languages and cultures. Let's learn together in a supportive and interactive environment. Join us and enhance your language skills while making new connections!