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What we’re about

Are you a black person who is a fan of Metal, Indie, Pop Punk, Emo, Ska, or Post Hardcore music? Do you want to connect with other black people who share your passion for alternative music? If so, join the Black Rockers Meetup Group

We are a judgment-free zone where music lovers come together to celebrate all things Alternative. Whether you're a seasoned scene veteran or new to these genres, you'll find a warm welcome and engaging conversations.

Our meetups are designed to be more than just a casual gathering. They're a chance to explore the latest Alternative music trends, dive into the history of the scene, and relive the nostalgia that makes this music so special. We also encourage sharing stories about you're struggles with being apart of the scene as well as how alternative music has shaped your life—because we believe it has the power to change lives.

Beyond discussions, this group is about building a supportive network. Whether you're interested in meeting fellow musicians, finding friends to attend concerts with, or simply enjoying a community that understands your love for the scene, we're here for you.

So, let's turn up the volume, share our stories, and create a space where our voices can be heard. Join us as we make noise and inspire change in our own unique way. See you at the next meetup!

Upcoming events (4+)

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