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What we’re about

White Women + Black Men = HAPPINESS

Black Women + White Men = HAPPINESS

If you're passionate for interracials  then come and JOIN US !!!!!


A Black & White guy/girl is smart, successful, comfortably well off, never, ever has to think about money and enjoys dinner and drinks.

If that profile fits you then COME AND JOIN US !!!!!

An Event Group not a Social Group

Black & White is an event group, not a social group, that means that everyone here is as keen as you to find that special someone!

Dress to impress

We organise real events with real people so dress to impress!

After all, you don't want to lose that special someone because you turned up in a pair of tatty, old jeans!


We never do anything, or go anywhere, cheap.

You're looking at £30 - £50, or more, on an event night.

If you do have to think about money, please do not attempt to join.

Please do not embarrass yourself.


1) You need a face photo of yourself to join this Group.

2) If you RSVP for an event and you later change your mind, please change your RSVP from a "Yes" to a "No", otherwise, if you leave it as a "Yes"  and you fail to turn up, you will be expelled.

3) Anybody who fails to come to an event in 6 months will be automatically expelled.