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What we’re about

Welcome to London Black Singles where black singles men and women can connect and build meaningful relationships through shared values and beliefs. Whether you're looking for friendship, dating, or a potential long-term partner, this group provides a safe and supportive space to meet like-minded individuals who are also committed to finding compatible life partner. Join us for engaging discussions, social events, and dating-based activities centred around building strong connections and finding love that aligns with your dating values. Let's come together to support and uplift each other in our journey to find lasting and meaningful relationships.

## Who attends the events

Our events are geared towards black singles who are looking to network and make new connections.

## Oh yeah, it’s that good

Whether you're looking for a new friend or a potential date, our events give you the tools you need to expand your circle. We make the process enjoyable so you can connect with like-minded black singles near you with ease.

## Who we are

Black London Singles throws weekly get togethers. We have lots of fun, and you can be a part of it! Our events bring together single black professionals who are interested in expanding their social circle.

## Better than online dating!

Most of us have tried dating apps or sites and know how time consuming and frustrating it can be. It is virtually impossible to gauge chemistry by looking at pictures or reading a profile. You may spend weeks chatting with someone online only to learn that you don't connect in person.

We think going out and socialising is much more fun than wasting time swiping and messaging. Our events allow you to get a feel for the connection right away, because we value your time! Come join us so you can finally say goodbye to worrying about what emojis to use or how long to take before you respond.

Upcoming events

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