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What we’re about

At VOYA Games, we are setting new standards for what games can be: Thriving ecosystems that enable a level of interactivity and ownership previously unimagined in digital worlds.
Every game we create is a market for trade, a hub for social interaction and a limitless canvas for creativity.

We aim to forge realistic economies that adapt and evolve with every player decision, mirroring the intricacies of the real world.

We believe in community driven gameplay and are dedicated to building a platform that fosters collaboration on an epic scale.

Above all, we champion user generated content. Players are hungry to co-create the game worlds they inhabit. We will place the tools directly in their hands.

With our first game "Angry Dynomites Lab" we are aiming to revolutionize gaming with an immersive, open economy – a world where you collect, craft, and collaboratively build new realms.

We believe that blockchain holds the key to unlocking all this potential and turning every VOYA game into a gateway for boundless exploration.