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What we’re about

Blockchain for Social Good Berlin meetups are curated by Positive Blockchain. We believe that the ever-growing blockchain community of Berlin would benefit from connecting with the social impact practitioners, who could help to validate blockchain solutions.

The aim of our meetups is to promote a blockchain technology among the social impact practitioners (be it the academia, think-tanks, NGOs, international NGOs, or public sector agencies). We want to bring together Berlin’s two distinct, large communities: tech and third sector, to facilitate a knowledge-sharing platform for the blockchain and social impact practitioners in order to advance the success of positive blockchain projects.

In the same way, the 3rd sector experts could benefit greatly from familiarizing themselves with this new technology that has a potential to disrupt many areas of their expertise: from a digital identity for the undocumented, unbanked and homeless populations, to transparent supply chain that safeguards the workers, and decentralized energy markets.

Each time we will explore one topic and bring together ‘real-world’ organizations and participants working on blockchain technologies. The idea is to open every event by explaining the problem from the real-world perspective (e.g. 1bn people without identity) and to continue with the blockchain projects presentations, which offer some solutions to the problem. This will create a good foundation for the panel discussion between blockchain projects and the topic practitioners, who can provide their non-technical feedback and use the SDGs guidelines to discuss the social impact of solutions.

As a result, the practitioners from the third-sector (or public) will be introduced or familiarized with blockchain technology through the use-cases related to their field of practice. On the other hand, blockchain projects will gain valuable “market” feedback from the field experts, which could lead to improvements or pivots in their solutions.

The meetups are organized by in cooperation with BerChain, GIZ Blockchain Lab and Impact Hub Berlin.

To see the line-up of the upcoming topics - go to this group's album.