Food and Drink Groups to Help Expand Your Palate

Are you a foodie? Experience the full flavor of your city by joining a community centered on the simple joys of eating and drinking.


In vino veritas, as the old saying goes. Meetup groups all over the globe are taking this sage advice and adding another bit of wisdom: in food, friendship! 

In fact, there are more than 2.5 million members taking part in over 2,300 broadly categorized  “Foodie” groups. There are communities organized around craft beer, international cuisine, home cooking, low-key coffee snobbery, vegan dining, and everything in between. 

Apart from all the delicious food and drink at your fingertips, the main benefit of joining a group dedicated to gastronomy is the ease of exploration and connection. Sparking a new friendship is always easier when a common interest provides a fun backdrop for conversation. And what interest is more common than a love of eating and drinking delicious things? Plus, you can really get to know a city’s culture by trying new restaurants, cafés, bars, and some favorite under-the-radar haunts with locals.  

So check out the huge variety of food and drink groups, and broaden your palate by joining an awesome event happening near you.   

Restaurant groups on Meetup 

These communities seek out delicious full meals at the coolest establishments in town. Some, like The World Food Lover’s Dining Out Group, have a specific theme. This NYC Meetup of nearly 1,300 members values diversity, and takes advantage of the cosmopolitan offerings of New York by eating dishes from a huge array of world cultures. They’ve tried everything from Malaysian and Nepali cuisine to Romanian, Uzbek, and Azerbaijani fare.  

You could also meet fellow serious gourmands through a group like Elegant Dining for Singles in Los Angeles. With nearly 550 members, this community offers gourmet experiences that provide an enchanting backdrop for sparking new connections.  

Brunch groups 

It’s not breakfast. It’s not lunch. It’s that pure magic in between. You can find Meetup groups devoted to this special meal, like the Ladies Who Brunch in Atlanta, as well as groups who include occasional brunches among their regular activities, like the outdoorsy Let’s Go Adventures in Denver.  

Craft beer and wine groups 

If you enjoy the finer things in life, these are your people! Craft beer connoisseurs use Meetup to get together and appreciate bold, beautiful brews, from  Queers and Beers in Seattle to the Craft Beer Lovers of Austin.  

Fans of cabernet and sauvignon can explore new and exciting varietals with communities like Grapes & Gusto Charleston Wine Meetup Group or Wine, Dine & Sunshine in Miami.  

Café groups  

Whether you’re after the richest espresso, the perfect pastry, or just a cozy haunt to work and chill, communities like Georgia Foodies | Restaurants & Cafe Meetup Group have got you covered. 

Other groups, like Taiwan Café: Culture, Food, and Meaningful Conversations, use the café as a warm and approachable backdrop for deeper connection. In this case, the San Francisco-based group of more than 400 members gathers to meet fellow global citizens, encourage the cross-pollination of ideas, and create a profound cultural exchange.  

Groups that mix food and drink with fun activities  

Plenty of foodie groups share other interests, too. For example, if you live in Portland, you could work on crafts with other artisans who love a good pint by joining a Pints & Crafts, or sample different local breweries after rock climbing with Boulders and Beers.  

Some communities turn food into the activity itself, like Eat the Neighborhood: Chicagoland Foraging Tours, a Meetup group of more than 600 members who follow a professional foraging guide throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods and parks to teach people about nature’s bounty right in their own backyards. 

You can even try creating your own delicacies with a group like North Dallas Fermentation Enthusiasts. These 800 members see fermentation as part science, part art form, and part magic. They host classes on everything from home-brewing ginger beer to making kimchi, pickles, yogurt, and kombucha.  

Find your own foodie inspiration 

If any of these groups appeal to you, but you don’t see one like it in your area, you can easily create your own Meetup group and invite others who share your taste to join.

Last modified on November 15, 2023