What we’re about
“Let’s Go!” hiking, snowshoeing, camping, backpacking, SUP, kayaking, running, snowboarding, skiing, fishing, and traveling! “Let’s Go!” to wine bars, breweries, cafes, festivals, live music, dinner, brunch, and cocktail lounges! Most of all, “Let’s Go!” have some fun! The number one objective of this group is having fun by enjoying unique experiences together. We invite all fun-loving, awesome folks to join us on adventures!
While most of the events in this group will focus on the great outdoors, we will also explore the many other experiences this beautiful state has to offer. Since we are lucky enough to have the opportunity to experience all of the seasons, events will be held year-round and include some family friendly activities as well. Although most of the events will be held in Colorado, this group has no borders. Occasionally there will be trips out of state and out of country. “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” -Dr. Seuss
Our Rules:
1. The culture of this group is intended to be inclusive, open-minded, and respectful, while fostering a spirit of encouragement and exploration. Please be kind in your interactions and refrain from discussing controversial issues and topics.
2. Attendance. In fairness to members that have good attendance, and to those on the waiting lists, continued late cancellations and no-shows will result in being dropped from the group. We understand that life happens, but please communicate with us and keep your RSVP updated.
3. This is not a dating / hook-up / singles group. If you happen to meet your soulmate at an event – that’s awesome and we are thrilled for you! However, creepiness will not be tolerated. There are several groups out there for dating, this is not one of them. Inappropriate behavior and making others uncomfortable will result in your removal from the group.
Upcoming events (4)
See all- Let's Go Backpack to Havasupai FallsWooly Mammoth Parking lot, Golden, CO
"Let's Go" backpacking to Havasupai Falls.
The permits have gone up substantially over the years and are now $455 each. This is the only form of income for the Supai Community. I will place you on the waitlist until I receive the $455. Contact me for Venmo or PayPal info. I have done this backpack twice and its worth every penny.
Backpack will be a 10 miles each way with 2500' Elev. change. We will leave Saturday Morning and drive part of the way and camp. More information to follow, (car camping). We will then drive to Williams AZ and stay in a hotel Sunday night. We will be sight seeing some great spots I know with some hiking on Saturday and Sunday. We will get up early and drive 2 hours to the Hilltop trailhead and backpack in. We will be camping at Havasu Campground 2 nights. First day when we get down there we can explore the nearby falls and swim. The next day hike to Beaver falls. Some may want to continue down to the confluence of the Havasu Creek and the Colorado River. Next day backpack out.CONTACT: Dan: (615) 337-8561
ATTENDEE LIMIT: 8 backpacker
SIGN-UP: This is a strenuous backpack. Please only sign up if you are ready for this challenge. Sign up on the Wait List. Members with a good attendance percentage will be advanced to the hike roster first.
Please RSVP yes only if you definitely plan to come. If you change your mind, please update your RSVP. By joining this group you agree to the Policies and Terms of this group.
CARPOOL OPTION: We will meet at Wooly Mammoth Park and Ride Lot AA.
NOTE: There are restrooms at the trailhead and campground.
MEET: Wooly Mammoth Park and Ride Lot AA.
WHAT TO BRING: Appropriate gear (backpack, tent, sleeping bag and pad, food, backpacking stove, first aid kit, rain jacket/poncho, jacket, water, snacks, sun screen, etc). I will provide a gear checklist. Some items can be shared.
DISTANCE/GAIN: 20 miles RT with 2,500 ft. elevation gain. (Difficult-Strenuous).
DISCLAIMER: Hiking is risky. People are hurt and killed every year because they go beyond their abilities, get lost, or bring the wrong gear. I am not a professional guide. You are responsible for yourself. By signing up for this hike you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for your own safety and will do the necessary research to understand the conditions of this hike and the gear and conditioning required. Anyone choosing to hike with our group should carry personal health insurance.