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What we’re about

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul of the body.” -Martha Graham

Calling all (aspiring) dancers! Let's get together and blues dance in and around Los Angeles. 

• Most venues include a complimentary blues dance lesson and several hours of social dancing 

• All levels welcome

• No partner required

NEW TO BLUES/SOCIAL DANCING?  Here are some suggestions:

Preparing for the Dance


• Cash (some dances are cash only and/or there might be coin-only parking meters)

• Smooth soled shoes (it’s best to have as little rubber on the sole for turning and spinning purposes – we suggest no flip flops or high heels as well)

• Extra shirts (bodies are moving, so venues can get warm and this is in case you perspire a lot)

• Hand rag (” “”)

• Mints


• Apply deodorant

• Plan to arrive to the lesson ON-TIME, if not slightly early (this is considerate not only to the teacher, but the other students as well)


• Eat garlic

• Wear cologne/perfume

At the Dance

Asking people to dance:

• Ask people to dance, including the instructor!It is polite to first make eye contact, smile and then ask verbally

• Don’t present your hand as a way of asking, even if it also includes a verbal inquiryIt is ok to (s)he says “No”

Being asked to dance

It is good practice to say “Yes” when someone asks you to dance, but you always have the choice to say “Yes” or “No”

Typically if someone asks you to dance and you say “No”, it is polite to a) sit that song out and b) ask that person to dance later that evening*

*This is in the circumstance(s) you say no because you need to go to the bathroom, get water, fresh air, etc. If you are saying “No” because that person makes you uncomfortable, unsafe, etc this does not apply. Most venues have a code of conduct in place, so, in the best way you feel comfortable, you should share your concerns.

Dance Etiquette & Safety

Most venues do not allow aerials (both legs of the follow leave the floor) – these are dangerous not only to those around you, but also your dance partner

Don’t lead or, for follows, initiate big dips (follow’s head and upper torso are parallel or more to the floor) – you, your partner or those around you could get hurtBlues connection points are: upper back, shoulders/upper arm and hands. 

Do not place or hold your dance partner by/on any other body part (including but not limited to hips: thighs, head, legs)

Don’t force your follow into any position

Don’t yank your follow into a turn(s)If someone is hurting you or making you feel unsafe or uncomfortable you can say something to them, tell a staff member and/or find out how to submit an anonymous concern

Don’t teach on the dance floor (it’s just a big no-no, especially when unsolicited)

Don’t accept teaching on the dance floor (kindly ask them to refrain)It shouldn’t be assumed that you can soliciting feedback from someone before or after dancing with them

If there is something we forgot, let us know! We hope to see you on the dance floor soon!