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Re: [boardgames-543] End of the Year Survey for Anne Arundel Boardgames Meetup!

From: Matt R.
Sent on: Thursday, October 18, 2012, 7:03 PM

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 1:25 PM, Rich <[address removed]> wrote:

Hello, Fellow Boardgamers!


2012 is going by very quickly!  (In about 10 weeks it will be 2013.)  In November the organizers will be meeting to develop plans for some the 2013 events for Anne Arundel Boardgames Meetup.  The purpose of this e-mail is to get your input as we begin to plan.  I apologize for this being a long post.  I want to give everyone a chance to say what they want.  If you only want to answer some questions, that perfectly okay.

 I have not yet been to any gaming groups before, but I can tell you which games I like.

1.  In 2012, we did or will have game nights with the following individual games:

Dominoes, Chinese Checkers, Apples to Apples (2x), Trivial Pursuit, Balderdash, Monopoly, Sequence, Life, Cranium (2x), Taboo (2x), Pictionary (2x), Mad Gab, Scattegories, Would You Rather, Outburst, Tribond, Boggle, Rummikub, Wits and Wagers


Are there any of these individual games that you definitely want to see the group schedule a night for in 2013?  Which ones?

 Dominoes, Balderdash, Monopoly, Sequence, Life, Rummikub, Wits and Wagers

Are there any of these individual games that you think would be a bad idea to schedule again?  Which ones?  Why?


Are there any games that we did not have an individual night for in 2012 that you think we should?  Which ones?  Why?  (Telestrations is one possibility that comes to mind here.  Stare is another one.)


2.  In 2012, we did or will have game nights for the following game categories:

Favorite Games (that game you wanted to play one more time)

Strategy Games (ie., Settlers of Catan, Seven Wonders, Risk, etc.) (2x)

Dice Games (ie., Yahtzee, Farkle, Left Center Right, etc.) (2x)

Card Games (ie., Rummy, Phase 10, Uno, Milles Bournes, etc.) (2x)

Word Games (ie., Scrabble, Upwords, Red Letter, etc.) (2x)

Other Trivia Games (not Trivia Pursuit)

TV-related Board Games

New Games (physically new copy, unknown to the group, etc.) (2x)


Are there any of these game themes that you want to make certain we play in 2013?  Which ones?

 Strategy games, Dice games, Card games, New games

Are there any of these game themes that you want to make certain we don't play in 2013?  Which ones?  Why?


Are there any new game themes that you think we should try in 2013?  Which ones?  Why?


3.  We currently meet on the first Thursday, second Wednesday and third Tuesday of each month?  We have considered adding the fourth Monday as another game night in 2013.


Do any of the current three game nights currently not fit well with your schedule.  If so, which additional game night or nights would work for you?

Tuesday nights are not good for me.  Any other night of the week would work.


4.  We tried several additional "game events" outside of Caribou. These included--

Several events with the Laurel Boardgames Meetup at Savage Mill.

Visiting the MD Renaissance Festival, including a visit to Ye Olde Gamery

Pub Trivia at the New Deal Cafe in Greenbelt, MD

Trying the Corn Maze at Montpelier Farms near Upper Marlboro, MD.


Are there any of these events that you would be interested in attending in 2013?  Which ones?

Visting Ye Old Gamery at the MD Renaissance Festival

 Laurel Boardgames at Savage Mill (except on Sundays between Sept. 7 and Jan. 24)

Are there any of these events that you think we should not schedule again?  Which ones?  Why?


Are there any additional outside "game-related" events that you would like to see in 2013?  (These could include a trip to a bowling alley, an evening of minature golf, Pub Trivia Nights at other locations, co-sponsored events with another Gaming Meetup.)  Which ones?  Why?

 Bowling alley would be good for me.

5.  Is there anything else that the group can do to help you enjoy your events with Anne Arundel Boardgames Meetup?


Thanks!  Keep Gaming!




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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

Matthew A. Riebel
8526 Foxborough Drive, Apt. 3A
Savage, MD 20763