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What we’re about

It's fun.
Contra dancing uses many of the same traditional moves found in square dancing. There are about are about 8 basic moves and maybe 10 advanced moves. A contra-dance evening might also include New England style squares, as well as, a couple dance or two (such as waltzes, tango and swing, or even hambos, schottish and polkas).
The live music is primarily Scottish or Irish in origin, which leads into old-time American styles.
You, the other dancers, the musicians, and the caller aim for an evening of low-pressure, yet energetic, camaraderie. Come alone or with others; new partners are chosen for each of the dozen or so dances that we do during the evening.
With only a dozen basic moves, learning contra dance is as simple as walking and smiling; Yet the near-infinite arrangements provide challenge and variety for even the most experienced of dancers. Additionally, the caller walks through each dance prior to starting up the music, and then provides helpful prompts while the band is playing.
We usually dance the 2nd Saturdays, September through May, at the Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave. in Boise. New dancer orientation at 7:30, dance begins at 8:00. Sometimes it's a different Saturday.