(Please click on "more info"!!!) (if in a smartphone app).
This is a series for 4th Saturday Bollywood Movies! If you plan to attend 4 or more of these in the next 6 months, please tell me so I can sign you up for the series. This way, more people are signed up when announcements/reminders are sent out, encouraging more people to go. (You can contact me at Dan (https://www.meetup.com/Bollywood-Fans-of-Phoenix/members/184807201/).)
Event not necessarily hosted by Meetup. Please volunteer to host.
TO BE FILLED IN (about 2 weeks before):
- Movie (link)
• English title
• genre, stars
• CONFIRM: in Hindi/Hindhi (English subtitles)
- backup film.
(NOTE! If the time, theater, and movie combination is not available: I'll try changing, in this order:
- The time
- The theater
- The movie
- The date
- The language
Movie schedules are posted on azindia.com.
HOW TO FIND US: If hosted: in lobby just outside theatre room entrance between 20 and 30 minutes before, holding red Meetup sign.
In left back of theatre room between 10 and 15 minutes.
If going, please buy advance tickets: azindia.com (http://www.azindia.com)
Please hang out for a few minutes after the movie just outside the theatre room to meet fellow Meetup members.
For questions, please send me a message:
"If this movie should be change to another day for a particular month or for all months, please tell me.
Visible on AMC/Harkins:
IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes:
Release date:
Date Meetup chose the movie name:
AZIndia postings for upcoming weekend: by Tuesday lunch
Dinner: dinners before movies don't work well, and these movies typically end late
Dan (https://www.meetup.com/IRISH-SOCIAL-DANCE-PHOENIX/members/184807201/)