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What we’re about

Hi fellow readers! This is a group for anyone in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s (and beyond- we accept all) who enjoying reading and meeting new people.
We love book club because it encourages us to not only read more but opens us up to book selections that we may not have chosen on our own.
We currently are having two meetups a month, one in-person and one virtually. Generally, we have the in-person meetups at different bars/restaurants in the Harrisburg/Mechanicsburg/Carlisle areas. Please only attend if vaccinated for COVID.
Book choices will be voted on by members. (choices can vary from New York Times bestsellers, classics, fiction, non-fiction....)
Also, don’t be nervous if you’re one who prefers to sit back and observe. You will not be put on the spot during discussions and can contribute as much or as little as you like- we want everyone to feel comfortable.
As far as the reading goes- Try your best to read the book, but please feel free to attend meetups if you do not finish. Its very likely that we will not talk about the book the entire time; we will make sure we have time to catch up and socialize as well :-)
Looking forward to meeting you!
April & Avary