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What we’re about

It can be a setup in café or home.
Attendees minimum 3, maximum 8
It is a gathering for exchanging cultural/intellectual insights/inspirations you have from reading/watching/observing experience.
The subject may vary, each time can spin from a certain topic or book/movie.
Subjects/questions like:
Ture Happiness, Right choices, Innate virtue and darkness, Temptation and integrity, Purpose of life, Truth & misconception, fact & illusion, rationality & absurdity, Morality and evolution, Naturalism and humanism...

This gathering is aiming to providing the opportunity to:

  1. meet like-interested people
  2. to have thoughtful & sparkling talk, to obtain the views you would not have by yourself.
    It is not a must to bring a book with you, but it is better to be prepared for the presentation of your question or ideas.

There will be tea, coffee and light refreshments.