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What we’re about

Do you love books? Are you a woman who's trying to love books ? Are you a local author who wants to share your book with your community? Look no further!

*Although "Read Girl, Read!" is physically located in the Southeastern Wisconsin region, anyone who joins the group can participate in online book club events!*

Our Mission:
Our imaginations don't have to be a lonely place.

This club is about connecting active readers, aspiring readers, and authors through each book's unique story. Through reading, members will be able to connect and interact with people they normally wouldn't. The biggest hope is that reading these books will introduce you to new ideas about the world, and even new revelations about yourself.

This group is for Women with all reading levels:

You don't have to be a hardcore "read 20 books a month' reader to be in this group. Instead of worrying about speed, we will be a space for people from all walks of life and reading levels to explore the world of storytelling.

What we'll be reading:

The old classics, the new stuff, and all in between! Both non-fiction and fiction. From short stories, to sci fi to fantasy to self-help to mysteries! However, since this group is local to the Kenosha/Southeastern Wisconsin area, we'll be reading alot of local artists' work to support their journeys with authorship (and hopefully having them join us to lead in some discussions!). *Preferences given to books by black women and other minority communities.


Most events will be online (for now). All online club meetings will be free. Although donations are much appreciated!

Connect with Read Girl, Read! on Socials:
Facebook Group:


  1. No "No-Shows" - Please only RSVP to an event if you plan on coming. Do not RSVP to an event if you are unsure that you'll show up. More than 4 "No-show" RSVPS in a month period will result in removal from the group.
  2. Be Respectful - Book discussions will likely include differing viewpoints. That's perfectly okay and what we want to see! However, please keep your tone and arguments constructive. The goal is not to convert anyone to do anything or to dominate other's perspective.
  3. Stay on topic - Discussions should stay focused on the subject matter. Though its okay if we veer off to relate the book to our experiences as needed, it is NEVER permitted to attack speakers or other club members. If so, you will be removed from the group permanently.
  4. Read the book - Or atleast, attempt to so that we can all have a chance to get as many viewoints as possible. If you didn't read the book all of the way through, no worries! We still want to see you :)