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What we’re about

This book club is about the pure enjoyment that exists for everybody to enjoy between the Cover of Great Books.

Books and Words Change Lives, both for the Authors and the Readers.

They can be your best friend, somebody that you can sit in silence with for hours, as you get lost in the imagination of the author and find a path from your world to theirs.

Books can inspire you. They show you a way through life challenges as you discover that you are not alone in your struggles. We can learn from the successful path that those before us have created.

If you enjoy reading the inspiring words of Authors like:
Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Despenza, Rhonda Byrne, Brenee Brown....the list goes on and is continually being added to, then join us online and or in person as we share the words of wisdom that the authors share with us between the Covers of Great Books.