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What we’re about

Are you addicted to social media? Do you think technology has too much influence over your life? Do you feel more dependent on your devices than you'd like to be? It's time to put your smart phone down and get back to living in the real world, whatever that means to you. Rediscover the joys of reading, conversation, cultivating in-person relationships, or just quietly observing the world around you. Contemplate how to accomplish your goals rather than running anxiously in place on the hedonism treadmill. Do all that by rediscovering the secret to innovation, intelligent decision-making, and creativity: boredom!

This Meetup was inspired by Bored and Brilliant, the WNYC podcast series and book by Manoush Zomorodi. Its purpose is to support and encourage people who want to take back control of their lives from technology. We're not luddites. We simply desire a productive symbiosis with our gadgets rather than submission to the business models that feed our addiction to them. Have a listen to Manoush's (very short) challenges. Try to do them. Check out her book, or watch her TED talk, for the full story on the experiment she conducted in 2015 to help her listeners use boredom to become more brilliant. Or just come and be bored with us and get one step closer to being brilliant again, yourself. <br>