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What we’re about

This is a group for artists in the Boston metro area to hang out while working on art, and to share resources and inspiration. We are geared toward digital art (game art, illustration, concept art, industrial design, animation, 3D graphics, etc.), but place importance on practicing foundation skills (perspective, anatomy, composition, line quality, color theory, etc.).

IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THE QUESTIONS WHEN SENDING A REQUEST TO JOIN THE GROUP, YOUR REQUEST WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Responses that are one word or half-sentences will be ignored. You don't have to be good at or experienced in art in order to join this group, but you do have to be serious about wanting to practice and improve.

Join our Discord server:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, all meetups are online-only via Discord.

We also have a facebook group at

We are open to working professionals as well less experienced artists looking to learn. What we have in common regardless of experience is - we are all dedicated to improvement, receptive to critiques, willing to give insightful and valuable feedback, and disciplined about practice. And of course respectful toward each other and each other's art. We want meetups to be fun and social but also involve sharing our knowledge to help us become better artists. This group started August 2014.

Other Boston area art, gamedev, and art/tech groups:

As of March 2020 this list is a bit outdated - hasn't been updated for a couple of years, so some of these meetups may no longer be active.

Art Resource list: