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Halloween Meetup

From: Rio
Sent on: Saturday, October 25, 2008, 8:31 AM
Hi Meetup Members,

Thank you for reading our message everytime.
Today, I announce two things about this event.
So please check about that as below,
1. The start time of this event was changed from 9AM to 10AM.
Because the people who live far from North Station can join this event, we changed it.
So if you have a time, please come this event.
(The train will leave 10:15, so please come on time if it possible)

2. The place that we gather is the front of "Mc Donald's"
It's a inside of North Station and next to the "Dunkin' Donuts"
If I can get the map of this station, I'll update on website of this event.
The purpose of this event is enjoying the Halloween in Salem.
So if you can't join the end of things (Dinner/Bar), It's OK and you can go home when it's finished.

I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Sincerely to you.

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