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Hike/Bike/Jazz Weekend in Burlington, Vermont

Photo of Joshua Louis Henri Weiner
Hosted By
Joshua Louis Henri W.
Hike/Bike/Jazz Weekend in Burlington, Vermont


Can the astounding awesomeness of the Burlington Jazz Festival/Camping Trip weekend of 2023 possibly be topped in 2024? Only one way to find out!

Trip sign-up instructions:
You must sign up on this link: You will need a Ridj-it account to sign up.

Trip description continued:

More precise details will come as more participants join and as the festival schedule is announced. But the rough itinerary will look something like this.

  1. Friday June 7th:
  • Leave from Wellington station at 330pm.
  • Drive to Burlington (3.5 hrs)
  • Set up at North Beach Campground (I've booked a campsite; could get another one if need be).
  • Head to nearby Waterfront Park for the evening shows of the Burlington Jazz Festival.
  • Vermont Comedy Club for an encore
  • Camp out that evening.
  1. Saturday June 8th:
  • Have breakfast at campsite.
  • Hike at a nearby mountain, TBD. Mt. Mansfield, Camel's Hump and Mt. Ellen are all options.
  • Return to Burlington for lunch/early dinner.
  • See more of the Jazz Festival in Waterfront Park + Vermont Comedy Club
  1. Sunday June 9th:

When signing up, please indicate if you have any preferences for the hike we do on Saturday, or any other questions or suggestions. Thanks guys-- get ready for an unforgettable weekend of fun!

Burlington Jazz Festival information

Trail Suggestions for Saturday:

Photo of Boston Outdoor Adventures group
Boston Outdoor Adventures
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